Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ways To Combat Vaginal Dryness

Pure Romance 
I'm sitting here trying to decide on what would be a great intro line to Vaginal Dryness! Really what verbiage would make this an appealing subject to chat about.  I can't think of anything but we do need to have a frank and candid discussion on it. As women we have all suffered with this problem at one time or another. It affects all age groups but is more common in the "mature" woman.  

There are a few main reasons why women suffer from vaginal dryness according to Mayo Clinic such as hormonal changes of menopause, childbirth, breast-feeding may disrupt this process and some types of medications. Vaginal dryness is a hallmark sign of vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) — thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to a decline in estrogen. Along with vaginal dryness, you might also have itching and stinging around the vaginal opening and in the lower third of the vagina. 

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I don't know one of woman that likes to have sex with the discomfort of being dry and painful. There are a many different types of treatments out there for vaginal dryness but one thing is constant whether you have vaginal dryness or not. Use a lubricant that is sugar free, our vaginal areas do like sugar products, it can cause infections.  Use a product that is ph balanced like a woman's body is the best. One that replenishes lost moisture in the vaginal area. Using a lubricant will not only decrease your discomfort, it will increase your pleasure. 

There are other things that you can do to help prevent vaginal dryness along with lubricants such as diet and hydration, vitamins such as E, and adding oils in your diet. Remember not all things work the same on people. Find what works best for you and ALWAYS you a lubricant to help prevent pain and dryness.